The Lazy One

CRank: 5Score: 54300

He isn't at all arguing over the cover mechanics or whether or not you need the cover in the game. He's arguing how the developers base their level design around a cover system, when they should base it around fun and let the player work out the cover.

A lot of people read it and saw "Uncharted has a problem" and immediately dismissed it as wrong. Some people saw "Uncharted has a problem with cover" and then dismissed it as wrong. So far I saw 3 people not ...

6031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did it occur to you that they might not be reporting to show it increased, but to show how large an increase it was?

Would you criticize the NPD by saying "OF COURSE ALL THE CONSOLES SOLD LAST MONTH!" Of course not, because that is simply not its function.

6032d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm almost 100% positive there's no engines that use actual radiosity rendering yet. They just simulate it. While the 360 does have high contrast, there should still be darker corners than the PS3 version, in which the spot where the sun hits the floor is only a small fraction brighter than the floor immediately next to it after at least 2 reflected surfaces.

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look at the pictures again. Look at the lightest light and the darkest dark. the PS3 has a much smaller variance in the light.

Also, on the picture with the guy, it's more likely that the materials used on him are actually different. The other pictures are all too similar for me to believe that the same guy can be that different in both versions with the same materials/textures.

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3's lighting is what makes the biggest difference, and that's the same for almost every game. It's not just a brightness thing either. It's the general lighting. If you look in shadowed corners you'll see the difference in both color range and lighting. You get high contrast pictures, which are generally more interesting artistically, compared to the PS3's screens, which are generally washed out, which tends to make textures (even if they're the same) more flat and less interesting.

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But, that in mind, if it dropped to a mass market price below the wii, it would practically clinch the region over the wii. There are a buttload of casual gamers/consumers here that are just waiting for price drops to join the next gen.

Whoever breaks into the mass market in NA is going to have an enormous effect on who comes in 1st/2nd in the console war.

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 and Bioshock came out well before xmas. They never got the boost around that time that they expected they would get, so they had no reason to expect everyone that they planned for in the september boost would purchase one in november and december.

Why is that so unbelievable?

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"How could they not expect an increase of at least 400k"

400k is a hell of a lot. 24% increas is huge regardless of how big your lineup is. You haven't even considered that even if you know something's coming it doesn't mean you're going to be ready for it. The manufacturing fairies aren't just going to drop 400k xbox 360s on M$'s porch.

Here's an interesting thing to note. If they didn't have a shortage, then why is january of 08 almost 30% lower in sa...

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Retailer demand is not the same as consumer demand. M$ reports it's shortages, not the shortages of the retailers. If you go to the store and there are 2 consoles on the shelf that doesn't look like a shortage to you.

If that store has those two consoles with 3 in the back, and they want to order 10 more, and M$ only has 7, that's still a shortage. You might never notice it because there's always 2 on the shelf, but if they still want to order more than M$ has, it's still a sh...

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He doesn't have a problem using cover, he has a problem with them designing levels around using cover.

The idea of a cover system didn't bug him at all. It was the fact that they put all sorts of strategically placed cover items for him to hide behind, and it hurt the game to him. I didn't play it, but I can see why he has a point. Cover should be a device you can use, but it should be more natural, not forced.

6032d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

M$ has been updating it's chipset at least every year since the original console was released. It makes sense that they'd have the same supply issues any other console would have regardless of whether or not it's been out 3 years.

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the "AAA" title has to do with budget and sales. It has nothing to do with the actual quality of the game.

Just like Hollywood big budget movies like lets say Spiderman are considered "AAA" movies, they aren't necessarily the best quality, but they have huge budgets and huge box offices.

Lots of people over the past few years have gotten the misconception that "AAA" is some sort of hint at the quality of a game, when that's not the c...

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate how almost every "PS3's year" article never takes into account the competition. It's as though they expect M$ and Nintendo to just sit on their hands while sony cuts price, releases games, and enhances PSN.

I can tell you right now that 360's 2008 lineup probably won't be completely announced till E3, and I can also say with a fair amount of certainty that once 360 drops price to mass market in NA sales will go up more than enough to make that 20,000 consoles i...

6032d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're logic is flawed.

People like PS3 > People buy more PS3s.
PS3 outsells 360.
360 Price Drop > 360 sales stay low.

(>'s are if then statements)

that is your string of logic. It is incredibly fallacious. It doesn't take into account that people in EU may be buying for Blu-Ray not games, and it doesn't take into account that 360 is at mass market price, where brand loyalty and added features don't make as big a difference. ...

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What's your source?

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment



6032d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Paragraphs are nice.

good points though

6032d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

NPD is just as much an estimate as VGChartz is. It's just done by a different firm. More likely that they were both off a bit.

I think NPD gets their data primarily from large surveys (read: 5000 people or so) and a couple large retailer surveys. It's not like NPD is suddenly the be all end all of sales data.

Note: I'm not saying VGChartz is right, just saying the NPD isn't perfect either.

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that article was confusing as butt. They said fiction/fact at least 5 times where their justification seemed to go the opposite way. Do sites not have editors anymore?

6034d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Other racers have upwards of 40 cars and a lot more than 6 tracks.

6034d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment